The Honda bike shop Frederick from referred me to wasn't answering their phone today, and Stan (the talented motorcycle mechanic who is the weekend chef at the Bauhaus hostel) never showed up to come have a look at the bike. Using Skype over a WiFi connection on my iPAQ, I called two of the numbers that Wim Vyncke managed to find for me and they weren't answering their phones, either. I kept calling and calling and calling... and thought it extremely odd that NONE of them were answering their phone.
Then again, the first time I called the Auto 5 gas/station garage today where they let me leave the bike no one answered the phone, but they did answer later. Maybe people don't believe in voice mail here in Brugge.
I hated to intrude on him at work, but I was getting desperate so I called Wim, who came to my rescue again and found a number for another place that repairs Hondas that isn't too far from Brugge. They're called Joris Sport and when I called them they ANSWERED THEIR PHONE! They said they could come pick the bike tomorrow. Now I just have to make arrangements to get the keys to the Auto 5 people or arrange to be there when Joris Sport shows up.
Here's hoping Joris Sport can get the bike back on the road...
About half an hour after I talked to Joris Sport I got an email from Erwin, who said his friend in Loppen could fix the bike. So if Joris Sport doesn't come through, I have a solid backup plan. It was so nice of Erwin to keep trying, too. Belgians are really kind people.
Meanwhile, I managed to upload some photos in the previous entries below about the Belfry and the Baslica of the Holy Blood, plus I put a photo of me with Citronnade in the entry where I said I fell in love with her. Isn't she a pretty bike?
The moon must be in klutz. Technology just isn't cooperating this week. Although I managed to get Skype working on my iPAQ this morning and used it most of the day, it stopped working at around 4 this afternoon. I rebooted the iPAQ twice and logged out of Skype and back in, but all of the phone icons remained greyed out and non-functional. Tres weird.
But after three days of waiting and trying to find someone who can look at her, I'm happy someone will be able to give me an educated opinion on what's wrong with Citronnade at last.
2024 The Fundy Adventure Ride
5 months ago
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